Community Emergency Hubs

Community Emergency Hubs provide a local point within communities where people can go to to seek help or offer help depending on their circumstances following a civil emergency.  Previously known as Civil Defence Centres, these can also be referred ... 

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What do courses cost?

As our courses are tailored to the organisation we work with, we meet with prospective clients to discuss a range of details including, the training required, the numbers being trained, equipment required.  Once we have this information we will send ... 

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Do I receive a certificate for the training delivered?

Yes where we have indicated so in our proposal for training. You receive an e-certificate for completing the course requirements and full attendance at the training. People have used these in their CVs and we have verified these on numerous occasions. ... 

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Do you bring your own equipment?

Yes we do bring specialised equipment in when people are looking at different options and want the opportunity to work with particular equipment. At other times we work with the equipment available in your building as that is what you will have on ... 

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How long are the training workshops?

Typically we deliver training between one day and six days duration. We plan the workshops to meet your organisations needs fully. It is important not to compromise the quality of training so we plan the training with you to ensure ... 

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How do we start to train our staff?

We work with you to ensure that the needs you have identified in your organisation can be planned for and met fully. This involves working alongside the people responsible for the training or work involved. We take time to recognise ... 

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