Are you prepared? Do you have a fully stocked emergency or disaster kit you can rely on to keep you going when the unexpected happens? Together with a well stocked first aid kit (masks, gloves, ...
Contact in an Emergency
Will your home phone work in an emergency?
If an emergency causes a power outage, will you and your loved ones be able to use your phone to call 111? If you have a home phone on new technology, you might qualify for extra support under the 111 Contact Code from your telecommunications provider. View this tip sheet on using your home phone during an emergency: Lockdowns
A lock down occurs where there is an identified risk and a need to contain and protect people. They are an important part of school ...
Mini-relaxation exercises: A quick fix in stressful moments
When you’ve got one minute
Place your hand just beneath your navel so you can feel the gentle rise and fall of your belly as you breathe. Breathe in. Pause for a count of three. Breathe out. Pause for a count of three. Continue ...
Rural alliance fronting suicide prevention training
Source: Safety News
Some 185 farmers took their lives between 2007-15, compared with 8 per cent in the general population.
Rural Health Alliance Aotearoa New Zealand (RHAANZ) chair Dr Martin London says ...
Care box for people contemplating suicide
Source: Nicholas McBride at Stuff
A care box is being developed to help people in times of high stress.
A young woman who has struggled with her own mental health is hoping to develop a care box to help others when they are contemplating suicide.Massey University student Shailah Anderson hopes a self-help care package will get people through ...
Family Preparedness – Safety Password
Source: The New Zealand Herald.
An Upper Hutt child escaped a possible abduction attempt because a stranger did not know the password his mother used when sending people to pick him up from school.
Helpful tips and advice for New Zealanders affected by earthquakes
After the November 2016 Kaikoura earthquakes, Mental Health NZ compiled a useful list of resources to help guide people through earthquakes and aftershocks.
Prepared Kids & Cyber bullying
Devereux-Blum Training Director Sharyn thinks learning cyber safety is an important part of being a Prepared Kid. Children today are referred to as ‘digital natives’ as they can access ...
Dealing with Stress from Disasters
Dealing with Stress from Disasters
Information from Massey University’s School of Psychology on Dealing with Stress arising from Disasters is available, including Factsheets.
Factsheets cover information ...
Dogs – Water Requirements
We all know we have to drink fluids to stay hydrated, and perform well. That’s common sense.
But what about the dogs? What do they need to drink, and how do we give it to them?Water is a vital component of cells and body tissue, to the point that mammals are considered ...
Storing Drinking Water
Water is the single most important thing to store in preparation for an emergency. We can live without food for a few days but we cannot live without water. For an emergency we need to store at least ...
Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety
This information is from materials created by the Emergency Survival Program (ESP) in 2006 and based on “The Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety” in the handbook Putting Down Roots ...
Mental Health Needs Following a Disaster
Two recent articles in the news highlight the need to help groups of people following a disaster by sharing techniques to help them with their pain, grief and fears, and to reinforce ...
Emergency Text Alerts from WREMO (Wellington Region Emergency Management Office)
Keep in touch and hear about Wellington Emergencies.
You can sign up to get emergency alerts from the Wellington Region Emergency Management Office (WREMO) through the Red Cross’ Hazard App, which ...
Safe Camping and Caravaning
Before you know the kiwi mass exodus to the beach or country side will begin. Perhaps you’re going to be getting away from it all on your holiday and live in a tent or a caravan and fire ...
Holiday Preparedness – Avoid Burglaries
It’s the holiday season. In between planning end of year events, Christmas shopping and what to do for the summer break, you need to start thinking about how to make ...
Earthquake Commission
The Earthquake Commission (EQC) was established by the Government in 1945 to provide ...
What’s The Plan Stan
Earthquakes, floods, storms, tsunami, and volcanic eruptions, as well as non-natural hazards such as fires and pandemics, can be frightening because they strike at any time and often without warning.
Understanding ...
Get Ready Get Thru Website
Due to its location and environment, New Zealand faces many potential disasters. In some cases, such as a weather related or volcanic disaster, there may be time for a warning.
But ...