Domain – Workplace Fire and Emergency Response

Level Credits Unit Standard (US) Description
2 3 Credits 16798 Take preventative measures against emergencies in the workplace
2 3 Credits 32158 Demonstrate basic knowledge of New Zealand’s  Coordinated Incident Management System (CIMS)
4 4 Credits 16804 Conduct non-technical workplace audits on emergency equipment and systems
4 4 Credits 16805 Manage workplace emergency prevention processes
4 4 Credits 16809 Coordinate workplace emergency protection activities
4 7 Credits 16945 Analyse the fundamentals of human behaviour in fire conditions
4 2 Credits 29553 Demonstrate operational knowledge of New Zealand’s Coordinated Incident Management System functions and structure
4 3 Credits 29554 Apply operational knowledge of New Zealand’s Coordinated Incident Management System (CIMS)
5 22446 Under Review: Perform the planning/intelligence function in an Incident Management Team (IMT)


22447 Under Review: Perform the operations management function in an Incident Management Team (IMT)
5   22448 Under Review: Perform the logistics function in an Incident Management Team (IMT)
6 10 Credits 16810 Develop a Workplace Emergency Management Plan
6 15 Credits 22449 Manage an Incident Management Team (IMT) response
6 15 Credits 22450 Control and coordinate a multi-incident response