A lock down occurs where there is an identified risk and a need to contain and protect people. They are an important part of school and workplace safety and preparedness. The Ministry of Education has provided information on their website on how to keep children and young people safe. We have summarised this information below.
- Lock downs are an important part of school safety and crisis preparedness.
- An incident like Christchurch can confuse and frighten anyone who may feel unsafe or worried that their friends or loved-ones are at risk. T
- Parents and teachers can help children and young people feel safe by, providing reassurance, staying calm, doing enjoyable things together and taking time to listen and talk.
- Be guided by their questions, be factual and age appropriate with your response. Ask them if they are feeling worried.
- Keep your explanations developmentally appropriate.
- Emphasize the role that students have in maintaining safe schools by following school safety guidelines e.g. signing out when leaving school, not providing building access to strangers.
- Observe children’s emotional state
Learning from the 15th March 2019 Christchurch lock down of schools, kura and early learning centres
The Ministry of Education and NZ Police will review all aspects of the the lock down in Christchurch. They will seek the views of students, parents, teachers, other schools and early learning centre staff, principals and early learning leaders. For further information, please click on the link above.
The Review will include but not be limited to:
- Communication pre, initiating and during the lock down between New Zealand Police, the Ministry of Education, schools, kura and early learning services, and parents.
- The physical logistics of lock down for example building design, toileting considerations, food and water and positioning of students.
- The effectiveness of existing guidance provided to schools and early learning services regarding lock down and make recommendations for change.
- The effectiveness of school, kura and early learning centres specific policies and procedures for this type of situation and make recommendations for change.
- The procedures and processes required when a lock down is requested at one school or service, or multiple schools and services.
- Whether or not improvements can be made in assisting schools, kura and early learning centres to ensure their parent communities are familiar with the emergency management and in particular lock down procedures.
- Whether or not it would be useful for the New Zealand Police and Ministry of Education to prepare a Guide for Parents for Lock down management.
In order to ensure full participation of everyone involved in the lock down, the Report will be submitted by the end of Term 2 (5th of July 2019). Submissions close on the 7th of June 2019.