CIMS Training Testimonials

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  • Sharyn, thank you very much for your engagement, patience and wisdom.  You interact with us so well and know how to get people to engage – I was very impressed and also grateful for the way you conducted this training.  CIMS 4 July 2024. 
  • Very enjoyable and informative.  Sharyn is a great presenter and is able to convey the knowledge at a level that is easy to understand.  CIMS 3 July 2024
  • I enjoyed the style and presentation of this training.  There was a good mix of lecturing, interaction with participants, group work and discussions.  Additionally, Sharyn incorporated kaupapa Maori well and had a good appreciation of individuals needs. CIMS 3 June 2024
  • The training has answered questions on structure, key roles, roles defined and flexibility based on the incident at hand.  CIMS 3 June 2024
  • Great to talk through ideas.  Engaging facilitation.  Enjoyable.  I learnt lots.  CIMS June 2024
  • I would like to thank Sharyn for her assistance at training.  Her style of training, knowledge, engagement, positive attitude, drawing the best out of each comment spoken, a skill she masters.  Tino pai to mahi he Kaiako Rangatira – awesome work, a great leader and trainer.  CIMS 4 May 2024
  • Very good facilitator.  Engaging, fast moving, enjoyable to listen to, very knowledgeable on the CIMS model and willing to assist the team.   CIMS 3 June 2024.
  • Great presentation style and excellent balance of practical and theory based training in engagement throughout the day.  CIMS 3 May 2024.
  • Sharyn was fantastic.  I usually dread full days of listening and learning but I was engaged the whole day.  It was paced well and there was a lot of opportunity for questions and discussion.  CIMS 3 May 2024
  • Excellent content and even better presentation from Sharyn.  Kept everyone really engaged and gave great feedback that helped the whole group a lot.  CIMS 4 May 2024